

Friday, November 21, 2014

Analyzing Professionals

After reading this article, Digital Innovation and the Future of Storytelling: A New Golden Age, I realize how creative the entertainment industry really is.  Bill Kanarick, the author of the article, explains the importance of how a storyline is the most important essential when creating a film.

Kanarick mentions how Netflix is currently the most popular channel out there because of the storylines engrained. There may not be any evidence to back that opinion up, but the guy makes a great point. I completely agree with him, because nobody wants to watch a movie or a TV show if it has a poor storyline. People and viewers want to watch something that gives them one of the human appeals. Those include: ethos, pathos and rhetoric. All of which are the purposes for a creating a film.

The other point the writer did a great job focusing on was the growth of technology. Nowadays we can watch films on mobile phones, tablets, televisions, and many other technological portable devices. With that being said, film creators have to redefine storytelling because more and more viewers are needing to be entertained. “While technology is creating opportunities to change the way stories get created, experienced and shared, the story itself has been and always will be what connects us,” he said.

The topic of the article was never brought to my attention before I read it. That means it's not brought up in society and it's not something that's all over the internet. I'm always up to date with what's going on in the outside world, and I've never heard or read anything like this. There is said to be an issue or a controversial topic, but I still have yet to see the author address it. The main things I took out of this article were the importances of creation and storytelling. 

Further reading, I noticed the article is a commentary piece. The author shows little evidence and gives his opinion on technology throughout the whole thing. For some, I'm sure this article is tough to comprehend because of the complex vocabulary, but I think Kanarick got his point across. I truly enjoyed this piece of writing, and I look up to this writer because of his convoluted approach.

Here is the link to the article:

Friday, November 7, 2014

Colin Couch: An Inspiration to all

Colin Couch is one of those people who refuses to throw in the towel. He may have cerebral palsy, but showing heart is the one thing his disease can’t take away from him.
“If you told me you needed me to, I would strap on a helmet and run down the field with you as fast as my broken legs would take me,” Couch said.
After writing a speech to his senior brothers about his incapabilities, the football team shed tears.
“When I read his speech aloud, the team was just in awe. Nobody said a word and Colin definitely earned our respect,” said senior football player Manny Psihountas.
If it’s not obvious already, Colin doesn’t go to the football games to be a spectator. In not only his eyes but also the football teams eyes, Colin Couch is a player.
“We treat him like he’s one of us,” Psihountas said.
Colin has to fight and overcome adversity everyday, but his disease never seems to get the best of him.
“The kid always has a smile on his face. I’ve never seen him down on himself and he’s a huge inspiration to me,” teammate Mitch Holsinger said.
When you choose to feel down on yourself because life isn’t going your way, think about Colin. Think about how much the kid goes through on a day-to-day basis, and think about how he never looses hope.
Below is the exact speech Colin Couch wrote to his teammates:
Dear Olathe Northwest Ravens Football Family,
I am writing this letter to say “Thank You” to ALL of you for allowing me to be your teammate and your friend and to participate in something so unique and special that many of you may not realize it’s impact and importance until many years later. Thanks to the Coaches and Administrators. Thank you to your Parents who have treated me like their own son. It has been my honor and privilege to stand by your side during times of prosperity and times of adversity. Whether you realize it or not, you all have enriched my life in ways that I cannot fully describe. Yes, I said teammate. You all know that a teammate is someone you can rely on and someone who also has YOUR back.  That’s what teammates do. Nobody messes with My Teammates / My Brothers or they will have to deal with me. When you need me, know that I’m there for you. I would take a bullet for each and every one of you. If you told me you needed me to, I would strap on a helmet and run down the field with you as fast as my broken legs would take me. I would hit every person on that field who was wearing a different colored jersey, no matter how much it hurt me because I care that much for my team.  I know I’m never going to be a great athlete like you all are, but nobody would ever try harder. I am not as fast as you all are, but God gave me a big heart and a lot of determination. I would run and continue to run until it killed me. Please remember that when adversity shows up. The day I was born, the doctors at the hospital told my parents that I wouldn’t make it through the night. Well, they were wrong. I fought through it because God gave me the will to survive. As a team we can get through any adversity if we have the will to look at the guy next to you and know that we are going to do more than survive, we are going to thrive! 
If something seems insurmountable, come find me on the sidelines, and look me in the eyes and tell me something is too hard. I guess what I’m saying is, I don’t see obstacles in my life. I see opportunities. I see challenges that need to be overcome but NOTHING will ever be too hard for me because I BELIEVE that I can overcome ANYTHING. If I can do it with my circumstances, so can all of you!! You’re My Teammates, My Brothers, and My Friends and I appreciate every single one of you. SENIORS – We’ve been together since Elementary school and you’ve helped make me who I am. I hope that each of you has taken something away from knowing me and letting me be your teammate.  I hope I have had some impact on you as well. Be there for each other and stand beside each other and with me as we take the field of battle and in life. Family Over Everything! 
Your Teammate, Brother and Friend – 
Colin Couch (Raven for Life) 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Interview Process

When creating a video that contains a storyline, your interview is the most important part. If you have a good interview with quality sound bites, this will make your life easier when creating the package. If your interviewee is comfortable and you come off as personable, everything will go as planned.

There are several things that will go into a good interview. I created a list to show my personal opinions on which are most important. These tips will include pre-interview, present interview, and post-interview. 

1. Your setup

Your chosen spot for an interview can mean a lot of things. It needs to have some correlation to your story, but it also needs to be quiet. If you're in a public place with a bunch of people, the chances of your interviewee opening up to you are slim. If the setting is quiet and it's just the two of you, then you have a high chance of getting a good interview.

2. Prepare your technology

 Prepare everything that you'll need to conduct an interview. Make sure your camera angle is on point, audio is at the right level, your computer is charged, the lights are in the right spots, and every setting is at its correct degree. This will give your interviewee a sense of importance because you're all ready to proceed without any distractions. If you're messing around with your technology during the interview, then your respondent is likely to be annoyed.

3. Warm Up To Each other

Have you ever met somebody that can open up to a complete stranger? Neither have I. At the start of your interview, ask your person some warm up questions. Ask how their day is going and make yourself seem personable. Hopefully by the end of this step your interviewee is comfortable enough to inform you on additions to your story. Without this step, you may never break the ice with your subject.

4. The Questions Being Asked

Obviously your questions need to be relevant to the story you're trying to tell. If they aren't, then you honestly just wasted your time. Also, the questions you're asking need be at least level two worthy. This means asking your interviewee a non yes or no question. Hopefully the person isn't too shy and gives you soundbites other than "Yes" or "No". The yes and no answers are the hardest to incorporate in your story... their essentially a journalists nightmare.

5. Following up

After a couple weeks go by, try and get in touch with your respondent. It shows them that you actually care about what's going on in their life, and it also makes you seem amiable. You're basically building a relationship with the person, so it's always nice to follow up with your interviewee a couple weeks after the actual interview. Besides, getting to know others is never a bad idea.